Summer Reading Books

With the end of the school year approaching, we wanted to recommend two books to have on your bookshelf for those long, unscheduled summer days:


“The Dangerous Book for Boys”  by Conn Iggulden and Hal Iggulden is an essential skills guidebook for boys (and girls!) aged 8 to 80. Written in small-manageable segments on everything from knot-tying, making a periscope, navigation, building a tree house or sling shot, coin tricks, juggling, first-aid and how to play poker, this book will stimulate curiosity and provide plenty of parent-child activities for rainy or lazy days.  In addition to skills guides, there are myriad random facts to capture one’s interest such as the Navajo Code Talkers’ Dictionary, the Declaration of Independence, timeline of U.S. History, the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, astronomy, latin phrases and poems every boy should know and the basics of grammar. The Dangerous Book for Boys”  is a great way to have kids unplug in this digital age with a “wonderful collection of all things that make being young or young at heart fun.”


“The Daring Book for Girls”  by Andrea J. Buchanan and Miriam Peskowitz is an entertaining manual of activities for girls.  With instructions on how to play hearts and gin rummy, math tricks, the rules of various sports, how to do cartwheels and perfect karate moves, making a lemon-powered clock to information about important female inventors, scientists even pirates, and lists of books every girl should read, this book is an invitation to explore that will keep your reader engaged and curious.